Gifted Child


I homeschooled my son in kindergarten and then had to put him in public school for 1st grade. They of course tested him and he is “gifted”. I am blessed to be able to homeschool him again next year. Do you have any thoughts or suggestions on what I can try with him? The school’s idea was more work—which would totally backfire with him. I know we can probably go at a faster pace but any other thoughts? Also what do you think about sticking to the 2nd grade curriculum (of what’s he’s suppose to know vs. what he’s interested in?)  For example, he wants to learn about the United States geography. Is it wrong to just focus on U.S. geography and not on cultures, government, world history etc.? [Read more…]

Eating All the Time


I have four little ones, ages 6, 4, 2, and 9 months. The older ones want to eat all the time! I’m sympathetic because, with pregnancy and nursing, I’m hungry often, too. But it’s too much to clean up 5-6 times a day after so many snacks. Being home all day makes easy access to the refrigerator…how should I discipline ourselves regarding meals and snack times to make life easier?! [Read more…]

A Small Price

Soccer player Louisa (8)

Soccer player Louisa (8)

It’s that time of year again! Local stores are advertising 10 cent notebooks, 59 cent pencil boxes, and extra low prices on school supplies. It’s time to take my homeschooled children school shopping and buy them everything they want.

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I have 8 children (ages 1-13) and have been homeschooling all along. I have really enjoyed homeschooling through the good and bad, but I am now struggling with terrible burnout! I just don’t feel like getting re-organized, preparing meaningful lessons, and supervising. We recently moved, and I don’t have the energy to make all new homeschooling friend contacts and activities. I have valiantly involved my children in the planning, work, and cleanup and so on, so my problem is not an imbalanced workload. I am tired! Any ideas? [Read more…]

Keeping on Grade Level

Louisa and Ammon

Louisa and Ammon

There is a sickness that seems to plague moms. Seems all parents are prone to this infection sooner or later and sometimes it can keep us down for years. Having my child in public school for a short stint heavily exposed me to this disease, but it was a blessing in disguise because it immunized me for life. I have no more desire to keep anyone “on grade level”!

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To Test or Not To Test? That is the Question


Ammon is his bean teepee, trying to look like an Indian chief


That one word can strike terror in the hearts of kids and moms alike.

What is a test for? Should testing be a part of homeschooling? Are the scores accurate? Do my children need outside testing by the school district to determine their grade level and their weaknesses and strengths?

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I Want to Homeschool


I really have a passion for wanting to homeschool our 4 children, however my husband and other family members think it would be better for the children and I would be better off sending them to school. Am I showing respect to my husband by dropping the subject and teaching them what I can when they are out of school for sick days and vacations? How can I get my husband to understand how badly I want to do this? [Read more…]

A Plea to Homeschoolers: Do it!


“I hear you are one who really does homeschool”, someone in my community told me in a casual conversation.

“Oh, really?”, I replied. “How do you know?”

“Because Vi told me you do it,” she returned.

“How does Vi know?” I asked.

[Read more…]


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